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Invertebrates and Music Walks 2024 

Why have composers been fascinated by invertebrates, and how have they tried to capture them in their music? You are invited to "Invertebrates and Music Walks," a collaboration between naturalist Dave Sutherland, Boulder Philharmonic, and Butterfly Pavilion. Join us for a stroll through our tropical rainforest, while listening to classical music selections inspired by the world of invertebrates. Led by Dave, immerse yourself in curated compositions as butterflies flutter around us. Conclude your journey outside in Butterfly Pavilion's Discovery Gardens, where specially crafted music invites exploration of invertebrates' lives. Let curiosity guide you through this fusion of sound and nature, where every step reveals a new melody and every encounter unveils unseen beauty.


Dave Southerland

Boulder Philharmonic


`These walks are of low difficulty but involve trail walking.

`Please dress appropriately for the outdoor environment, including breathable clothes, sturdy walking shoes, and sunscreen

Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 8:00 AM - 7 Remaining
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