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Expert Lecture: Get Involved in Butterfly Conservation

Embark on a captivating exploration of butterfly conservation with Butterfly Pavilion³ Lepidopterist Shiran Hershcovich. Delve into the enchanting world of butterflies, discovering the vital role they play in ecosystems and their delicate balance in the natural order. Shiran will guide you through the fundamentals of butterfly conservation, sharing insights into their life cycles, habitats, and challenges.

Learn practical strategies for getting involved in butterfly conservation efforts, from creating butterfly-friendly gardens to understanding the importance of preserving natural habitats. Be empowered to make a positive impact on butterfly populations. Join Shiran in this inspiring class to become a steward of these beautiful creatures and contribute to the conservation of our delicate winged friends.

Bio: Shiran Hershcovich is an entomologist from Panama City, Panama. She earned her degree in Molecular Biology from the University of California - Berkeley. She joined Butterfly Pavilion in 2021, where she curates the conservatory³ living collections of butterflies. She³ passionate about understanding and conserving invertebrates and currently works on local and international research and conservation initiatives like field assessments on vulnerable butterfly populations in Mongolia and the construction of a sustainable butterfly farm in Indonesia. She currently serves on the board of directors for the International Association of Butterfly Exhibitors and Suppliers (IABES). She believes in the power of community to increase accessibility and action in conservation and leads community science projects like the Colorado Butterfly Monitoring Network (CBMN) and Butterfly Quest, a lepidopteran longevity study in the Wings of the Tropics conservatory open to all Butterfly Pavilion guests. Before her time at Butterfly Pavilion, she worked in invertebrate research at the Essig Museum of Entomology and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.

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