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Homeschool Day

Homeschoolers and your families, these days are reserved especially for you! Take advantage of these exciting opportunities to explore our engaging exhibits and interact with thousands of invertebrates! Each Homeschool Day incorporates themed activities great for all ages. These include various invertebrate investigations, talks with real scientists, fun crafts, and more.

May 23, 2024: Garden Guardians

Earn your green thumb with our gardening homeschool day! Learn about pollinators and native plants through fun classes and gardening projects. 

June 18, 2024: Pests with Purpose

Join us for engaging outdoor classes and activities that explore the vital roles played by mosquitoes and other invertebrate "pests" in our ecosystems. Learn about their functions around the world and why they're essential for our planet during this special outdoor homeschool day! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 - 10:00 AM - 263 Remaining
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